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Schubert - Sonata in C Major - Piano

schubert.sonata in c major nsmSonata in C Major, D.613, by Franz Schubert

Completion by John W. Pratt

Piano Score, PDF $7.99

Schubert's D.613 consists of two unfinished movements in C major. The first, in sonata form, includes an entire exposition of 86 bars and 35 bars of development ending in a dramatic turn toward E major.  We complete this beautiful movement here by adding, in Schubert's style, a suitably proportioned return to C major, a regular recapitulation with a modified bridge passage, and a new coda looking toward the heavenly Adagio in E major commonly assumed to be the intended slow movement to follow.

The noted Schubert scholar Brian Newbould wrote the following to Mr. Pratt regarding his completion of D.613: "I find your arguments for completing the piece in the way you do perfectly convincing. .... As for the completion itself, I've read and played it through a few times and it runs well.  You have fulfilled your aims, in just about as self-effacing a way as you can - which is clearly your hope."

Piano score, 8 pages; Total, 12 pages.
