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Gassett Collection

The Gassett Collection is a highly important collection of musical works compiled by Henry Gassett (1813-1886) during the second quarter of the 19th century. For a complete description of the collection, its significance, and some of the treasures within it, see An Introduction to the Gassett Collection.

Berbiguier Op77 nsmGrande Fantaisie, Op. 77, by T. Berbiguier

Gassett Collection - Facsimile Edition by C.A.Vater/Noteworthy Sheet Music, with a Foreword by Peter H. Bloom

Flute and Piano Parts, PDF $16.99

Benoit Tranquille Berbiguier (1782-1838) was among the preeminent European flutists of the early nineteenth century.  Berbiguier was a prolific composer, and his nearly 150 published works include sets of duos and trios for flutes, as well as music that features flute with piano, orchestra, and chamber ensembles.  His Grande Fantaisie avec Variations pour Flûte avec Accompagnement de Piano Forte (Opus 77) was composed on two motifs from Der Freischütz, Carl Maria von Weber's monumental opera which premiered in Berlin in 1821 and became an immediate international sensation.  Sheet music for flute and piano. 

For additional information about the Gassett Collection, please see see our article An Introduction to the Gassett Collection.

Piano part, 9 pages; Flute part, 8 pages; Total, 24 pages.

Preview Flute Preview Piano

Berbiguier Les-Regrets nsmLes Regrets, Op.104, by T. Berbiguier

Gassett Collection - Facsimile Edition by C.A.Vater/NSM, with a Foreword by Peter H. Bloom

Flute Part and Piano Score, PDF $18.00

Berbiguier dedicated Les Regrets (Mélodie Concertante, Opus 104) to his close friend, the composer-'cellist Pierre-Louis Hus-Desforges.  Les Regrets appears to be a missive of consolation from one musical colleague to another, both disillusioned and scarred veterans of decades of nationalist French intrigue.  Though the initial theme is a plaintive rendering of a dour dead-march, its development is mournfully elegant.  The subsequent developments serve to uplift performer and listener with a musical meditation that, though turbulent, avoids bathos.  Dashes of a bit of scherzo here and there move the music, ultimately, to an heroic major-key finale. 

For additional information about the Gassett Collection, please see see our article An Introduction to the Gassett Collection.

Piano score, 18 pages; Flute part, 6 pages; Total, 32 pages.


Cover_with_green_border._jpg_imageNouvelle Fantaisie pour Flûte, Op. 80, by T. Berbiguier

Gassett Collection - Facsimile Edition by C.A.Vater/Noteworthy Sheet Music, with a Foreword by Peter H. Bloom

Flute and Piano Parts, PDF $13.50

Berbiguier's Nouvelle Fantaisie (Opus 80), like his Grande Fantaisie (Opus 77), was composed on melodies from Carl Maria von Weber's genre-defining opera Der Freischütz.  Both pieces were published around 1825.  Enthusiasm for Der Freischütz continued to build in subsequent decades, as evinced by the nearly numberless fantaisies, paraphrases, souvenirs, and variations that have been published.  Melodies from Freischutz pervade the classic repertoire of instruments from aeolian pianola to zither, including examples for concertina, mandolin, saxophone, and ocarina quartet.  Piano and flute sheet music. 

For additional information about the Gassett Collection, please see see our article An Introduction to the Gassett Collection.

Piano part, 11 pages; Flute part, 7 pages


Briccialdi_with_captionFantaisie pour la Flûte, Op.110, by Briccialdi

Gassett Collection - Facsimile Edition by C.A.Vater/Noteworthy Sheet Music

Flute Part and Piano Score, PDF $13.50

The virtuoso Italian flutist Giulio Briccialdi (1818-1881) was a captivating performer and a brilliant and prolific composer of works for the flute.  His compositions became highly popular among flutists and include several concerti and numerous duets, caprices, fantasies, and etudes.  He served as professor of flute at the Academy of St. Cecilia in Rome and later at the Florence Conservatoire.  A proponent of the Boehm flute, Briccialdi is best known today for his invention of the Briccialdi B-flat thumb key and for his variation on the Carnival of Venice, "Il Carnevale di Venezia" (Op.78).  We offer here our facsimile edition of his charming, challenging, and otherwise unavailable Fantaisie pour la Flûte sur des motifs de l'opera La Sonnambula de Bellini (Op.110)

For additional information about the Gassett Collection, please see see our article An Introduction to the Gassett Collection.  

Piano score, 13 pages; Flute part, 5 pages; Total 23 pages.


dressler portrait charmant nsmPortrait Charmant, by Raphael Dressler

Gassett Collection - Facsimile Edition by C.A.Vater/Noteworthy Sheet Music

Part for Flute or Violin and Piano Score, PDF $3.00

Raphael Dressler (1784-1835) was a well-known Austrian flutist and composer.  He wrote more than 100 compositions for flute and published a popular flute method book, New and Complete Instructions for the Flute.  His career included a position as first flutist in the Kärntnerthor Theater orchestra in Vienna and many years as a teacher and performer in London.  Dressler's Portrait Charmant is the fifth of his Douze Thèmes Favoris pour Pianoforte et Flûte (ou Violon).  The piece is a short work, simple yet indeed charming, and playable by flutists (or violinists) and pianists of many skill levels.  A favorite of ours, Portrait Charmant can also be played effectively as a solo work for flute or violin alone.

For additional information about the Gassett Collection, please see see our article An Introduction to the Gassett Collection.

Piano score, 3 pages; Flute or Violin part, 1 page; Total, 8 pages.


Furstenau Adagio-Rondo nsmAdagio et Rondo Brillant, Op.95, by A. B. Fürstenau

Gassett Collection - Facsimile Edition by C.A.Vater/Noteworthy Sheet Music with a Foreword by Peter H. Bloom

Flute Part and Piano Score, PDF $12.00

Anton Bernhard Fürstenau (1792-1852) was among the most revered flutists of the 19th century.  Following his appointment to the post of principal flute for the Royal Chapel at Dresden in 1820, Fürstenau became a valued colleague and close personal friend of the court's music director, Carl Maria von Weber.  The influence of Weber's dramatic melodic gestures and edgy harmonic shifts can be heard in this passionately evocative Adagio et Rondo Brillant.  An NSM favorite!  

For additional information about the Gassett Collection, please see see our article An Introduction to the Gassett Collection.

Piano score, 12 pages; Flute part, 4 pages; Total, 20 pages.


Gabrielsky_Op.71_imageAdagio et Variations pour la Flûte sur un Thême de Caraffa, Op. 71, by W. Gabrielsky

Gassett Collection - New Edition by Noteworthy Sheet Music

Flute Part and Piano Score, PDF $18.75

Johann Wilhelm Gabrielski (or Gabrielsky), 1795-1846, was an acclaimed German flutist and composer from Berlin.  In 1814 Gabrielski secured a position as flutist at the theatre in Stettin and within two years was appointed to the Royal Court.  Gabrielski's compositions, of which there are more than 100, were highly esteemed and popular in his day.  Although these works have much to offer modern day flutists as well, Gabrielski's music is neither widely known nor readily available today.  The Adagio et Variations pour la Flûte, Op. 71, exploits melodic material by Michele Enrico Carafa (Caraffa) di Colobrano (1787-1872), a Naples born musician who had a remarkably successful career in Paris as a composer for the Opéra-Comique and as a professor of composition and counterpoint at The Conservatoire.  The work showcases the flutist's virtuosity, atop a relatively uncomplicated piano accompaniment.  

For additional information about the Gassett Collection, please see see our article An Introduction to the Gassett Collection.

Flute part, 11 pages; Piano Score, 16 pages; Total, 31 pages. 


Nicholson_School_imageA School for the Flute, by C. Nicholson

Gassett Collection - Facsimile Edition by Peter H. Bloom

Volume I,  PDF $10.50

Volume II, PDF $10.50


Charles Nicholson (1795-1837) was the most renowned flutist in the English-speaking world during the first half of the 19th century. His artistry, style, and technical innovation remain forceful influences more than a century and a half after his death. Before the meteoric rise of the Boehm flute put an end to glorious diversity in the flute world, there were three categories of flutes from which to choose: small hole French style flutes; large hole Nicholson style flutes; and flutes with moderate holes. Nicholson's A School for the Flute, published in 1836, addresses all three styles of instruments and provides clear direction to players of each. He also provides us with a wealth of information on style and performance practice in the 19th century.  (excerpted from the foreword by P. H. Bloom)

Please note that this is an un-enhanced facsimile, a scan of an historical edition, so there are areas that are faded, uneven, or otherwise imperfect based on the condition of the original document.

Volume I: 75 pages including a foreword by Peter H. Bloom, $10.50

Nicholson addresses fundamentals of music and goes on to present a thorough treatise on flute-playing technique including detailed analyses of fingerings and articulations accompanied by clear and useful musical examples.

Volume II: 68 pages including a foreword by Peter H. Bloom, $10.50

Nicholson provides lessons and observations concerning his approach to style, taste and performance practice as well as technique.

  Product Name Price Qty
A School for the Flute, Volume I, by C. Nicholson
A School for the Flute, Volume II, by C. Nicholson

nicholson coolun 240pxCoolun, A favorite Irish Air with Four Variations, by C. Nicholson

Gassett Collection - Facsimile Edition by C.A.Vater/Noteworthy Sheet Music

Piano Score and Flute Part, PDF $9.99

Charles Nicholson (1795-1837) was a masterful, hugely popular, and highly influential English flutist and teacher, famous for his individual style and powerful tone.  Among Nicholson's compositions are 13 fantasies and 15 airs with variations, including Coolun. A favorite Irish Air with Four Variations arranged for the Flute with an ad libitum Accompaniment for the Piano Forte, or Harp.  The "Coulin" or "Coolan" was described in an 1833 letter to the editor of the Dublin Penny Journal ( as "an air, that once heard even in the earliest infancy, can never be forgotten—a melody which breathes the most touching tenderness and exquisite sensibility, and the memory of which, enables the Irish to hear Scotland's 'O, Nanny wilt thou gang with me,'—or her 'Banks and Braes,' without envious repinings."

Nicholson's consummate rendition of Coolun is highly effective when played either as a solo for flute alone or by flute with accompaniment of piano, lever harp, or pedal harp.  The Gassett Collection print from which our facsimile was created consists of a score for piano forte and flute, without a separate flute part. The flute part included in our edition was created from the score using a modern music notation software program.   

Noteworthy Sheet Music's publication of Coolun was favorably reviewed by Katherine Borst Jones in the January, 2014 issue of Flute Talk magazine.  You can read the review, reproduced on our website for your convenience, or at Flute Talk (subscribers).

For additional information about the Gassett Collection, please see see our article An Introduction to the Gassett Collection.

Piano score, 6 pages; Flute part, 5 pages; Total, 15 pages.



To order our print edition of Coolun, A Favorite Irish Air arranged for Flute and Piano or Harp for $16.98 plus a $5.95 shipping and handling fee to addresses in the USA. Use the Contact Us form to let us know which hard copy publication(s) you would like to purchase, along with your email contact information and USPS mailing address. We will then send you a PayPal invoice for the sale and, once we receive notice from PayPal that you have paid for the item(s), we will ship your music to the address provided.

reissiger  furstenau nsmLes Inseparables!, Op.45, by Reissiger & Fürstenau

Grand Original Duets for Piano and Flute, No.1

Gassett Collection - Facsimile Edition by C.A.Vater/Noteworthy Sheet Music

Flute and Piano Parts, PDF $20.25

Carl Gottlieb Reissiger's Opus 45 was written as a Sonata for Violin and Piano, but was adapted for flute by Anton Bernhard Fürstenau.  Fürstenau (1792-1852) composed and arranged many works for flute.  He was among the most admired flutists of the 19th century and remains a well-known favorite of flutists today.  Reissiger (1798-1859) was an accomplished composer of opera, orchestral, and chamber music.  An influential figure in the city of Dresden, he served as Director of the Dresden Opera and later as Kapellmeister.  Les Inseparables! No.1, is the first of the Three Grand Original Duets for Piano and Flute by Reissiger and Fürstenau.  The piece, which consists of three movements, is a virtuosic work that should delight and challenge both players.  

For additional information about the Gassett Collection, please see see our article An Introduction to the Gassett Collection.

Piano part, 21 pages; Flute part, 6 pages; Total, 33 pages.
