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Reissiger & Sedlatzek - La Pasta - Fl & Pf

R-S LaPasta nsmLa Pasta! Op.36, by Reissiger & Sedlatzek

Concertantes Variations sur la Cavatina de Rossini, No.3

Gassett Collection - Facsimile Edition by C.A.Vater/Noteworthy Sheet Music, with a Foreword by Peter H. Bloom

Flute and Piano Parts, PDF $13.50

Reissiger and Sedlatzek's  work  La Pasta is a particularly effective concert piece with which the accomplished flutist can enthrall a diverse audience by evoking the dramatic majesty of grand opera while applying the scintillating techniques of the 19th century virtuoso.  La Pasta is flutist Johann Sedlatzek's homage, celebration, and souvenir of the redoubtable  mezzo-soprano Giuditta Pasta (1798± - 1866±), arranged by the superb composer/conductor Carl Gottlieb Reissiger.  Pasta (nee Negri)  was  a cynosure of Italian opera who created brilliant dramatic roles for Bellini, Donizetti, and Rossini.  Legendary Maria Callas (1923-77) is often compared to Pasta  by opera aficionados, but few are likely to have heard both in their prime.  — P. H. Bloom, 5/23/2011

For additional information about the Gassett Collection, please see see our article An Introduction to the Gassett Collection.

Piano part, 13 pages; Flute part, 5 pages; Total, 24 pages
